To be a pilgrim Aug 5 2009
Take: CDs, photos, photocopies, lighter, candles, display material, books, this sheet
Play Guide me O thou great redeemer during which everyone who wishes to lights a candle on the central table.
Introductions and ask about pilgrimages undertaken or planned
Give out psalms sheet
Say together the 2 pilgrimage psalms (alternating verses) and the pilgrimage prayer we used on the Belmont Abbey Holy land pilgrimage
A pilgrim (lat. peregrinus) is one who undertakes a pilgrimage, literally 'far afield'. This is traditionally a visit to a place of some religious or historic significance; often a considerable distance is traveled. Examples include a Christian or Jew visiting Jerusalem or a Muslim visiting Mecca. No religion has laid greater stress on the duty of a pilgrim than Islam in the Hajj.
An Indian pilgrim in Gangasagar in West Bengal, India
Pilgrims are common in many religions, including the faiths in ancient Egypt, Persia in the Mithraic period, India, China, and Japan. The Greek and Roman custom of consulting the gods at local oracles, such as those at Dodona or Delphi, both in Greece, is widely known. In Greece, pilgrimages could either be personal, or state-sponsored.[1]
In the early period of Hebrew history, pilgrims traveled to Shiloh, Dan, Bethel, and eventually Jerusalem, leading the way for the other Abrahamic religions to include the practice. The great Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca (now in Saudi Arabia), is obligatory for every able Muslim, and other Islamic devotional pilgrimages, particularly to the tombs of saints, are numerous. The early Christians made pilgrimages to the scenes of the Passion of Christ in Jerusalem. Even after Jerusalem had been occupied by the Saracens, the liberty of pilgrimage, on payment of a tax, was secured by treaty; the necessity of protecting pilgrims, however, gave rise to the medieval military orders, such as the Knights Templar.
While religious pilgrims usually travel toward a singular destination, a physical location is not a necessity. One group of pilgrims in early Celtic Christianity were the Peregrinari Pro Christ, (Pilgrims for Christ), or "white martyrs," where pilgrims left with the intent to wander.[2] This sort of pilgrimage was an ascetic religious practice, leaving home and the clan for an unknown destination, in complete trust of Divine Providence. These travels often resulted in the founding of new abbeys and spreading Christianity among the pagan population in Britain as well as on continental Europe.
The idea of the day is to look at where you are on your pilgrimage. Do you know the destination? How close do you find yourself to that destination? I want to include some movement in the day. There will be silent meditation at 12.30, lunch and then another talk at 2 with a long break and gathering for tea at 3.30 and finish at 4.15.
You can undertake a pilgrimage without leaving your home. Reading, praying, thinking, imagining. But essentially a journey is involved. Takes you out of routine.
Very ancient – Stonehenge, standing stones on Orkney, Greeks, Asia. In the Bible we find many journeys but little use of the word pilgrim. Abraham, Moses and the Exodus, Babylonian exile, the return to Jerusalem. Our Lord and his family travelling to Jerusalem every year and using the psalms we have just said – these psalms were said at the start and end of the pilgrimage and Our Lord would have sing them on the night of his Passion.
Many Christian sites – Holy Land, Turkey, Greece, Canterbury, Walsingham, Rome, Santiago da Comastella, Lourdes, Fatima, Medjugore. Marian emphasis.
I also want to mention going backwards like visiting my old school and visiting my headmaster. The unexpected. Being a cultural pilgrim – Elgar’s birthplace, Dickens’s home. Shakespeare.
But this morning I’d like to focus on Mt Sinai. Anticipation, expectations, difficulties. Camel, money, night time, falling over, being helped and then alone but not alone, reaching the top alone, being reunited, stumbling down the hill, exhaustion, St Catherine’s. Physical rather than spiritual.
The spiritual uplift comes later – achieved climbing the mountain, reflection on the readings.
Sharing the experience – mention Ross Kempsell and his pilgrimage. Life changing experiences. Life can never be the same again.
Spiritual high points – glimpses of Heaven. Colin Mawby Ave verum, Archbishop Nichols, Truro. On the other hand Rome during Holy Year!
Use Benedictine chant to introduce meditiation for 20 minutes, Michael Main prayer card.
2 p.m. Welcome newcomers and do brief summary of morning session.
Play Who would true valour see
Focus on Jerusalem.
Pass round photos of Stations and talk about the experience – carrying the cross in the cathedral, being moved. The Via Dolorosa where 4 people each took turns to carry the cross was most moving - unexpectedly so. I have so often been the crucifer but here the weight of the wood on my shoulder bore down on me. And the people just carry on their busy lives in the bazaar just as they did on the first Good Friday! It was helpful to have the Taize chant to keep our concentration as we moved from station to station. At one there were some very noisy kids in a house nearby. At Calvary in the church of the Holy Sepulchre I read the passage about Jesus dying and Liz read the 14th station at the tomb. We queued up to venerate at Calvary and a German party pushed in and were very rude to Dom Brendan who said this was a holy place to no avail. We had an excellent pizza near the 3rd station and Liz was invited to see the chapel there. We went to the convent church of Ecce Homo to see the Antonine fortress pavement with games played by the Roman soldiers.
Then go on to the church of the Holy sepulchre mass and communion in the Calvary chapel where stations ended. Early morning, organ bursting forth, a moment of great faith. Sunday November 16th. 4.15 a.m. wake up call. We walked from the Jaffa Gate through the nearly deserted bazaar to the Holy Sepulchre church where we had 30 minutes to look around. The Copts were praying and at 5.30 a.m. the Franciscans began a Latin Mass with organ near the tomb. This church seems to symbolise the terrible divisions in Christianity. I have been often asked about evidence of this division and we did see a chapel which had been burnt out in fighting. The key to this mighty building is held by a Muslim family. Many Protestants find the Garden tomb gives them a better idea of the Resurrection scene but this church has to be seen when filled with liturgy. Our mass at 6 a.m. in the Calvary chapel was a high point of the whole journey. Just as we received communion the organ swelled to its full glory! It was a moment of great faith - He is risen! After Mass we were advised to go straight to the tomb as the daytime queue usually has at least a 2 hour wait. The Copts pulled me back from passing their tent-like chapel tacked on the back of the 19th century tomb. The tomb itself is strangely moving. We saw Revd Beverley Mason and friends from St John's, Upper Norwood doing the stations!
Bunyan Pilgrim’s progress – reaching the other side, all the trumpets, Remembrance Day. Laying down the burden.
After this it was noised abroad that Mr. Valiant-for-truth was taken with a Summons by the same Post as the other, and had this for a Token that the Summons was true, That his pitcher was broken at the Fountain. When he understood it, he called for his Friends, and told them of it. Then said he, I am going to my Fathers, and tho’ with great difficulty I am got hither, yet now I do not repent me of all the Trouble I have been at to arrive where I am. My Sword I give to him that shall succeed me in my Pilgrimage, and my Courage and my Skill to him that can get it. My Marks and Scars I carry with me, to be a witness for me that I have fought his Battles who now will be my Rewarder. When the day that he must go hence was come, many accompanied him to the River-side, into which as he went he said, Death, where is thy Sting? And as he went down deeper he said, Grave, where is thy Victory? So he passed over, and all the Trumpets sounded for him on the other side.
— John Bunyan, Pilgrims Progress
Bring us, O Lord God,
at our last awakening into the house and gate of heaven,
to enter into that gate and dwell in that house,
where there shall be no darkness nor dazzling, but one equal light;
no noise nor silence, but one equal music;
no fears nor hopes, but one equal possession;
no ends nor beginnings, but one equal eternity;
in the habitations of Thy glory and dominion world without end.
- John Donne
Give out sheets and introduce prayer walk. Mention books, cards and not taking them away! Also the items to read. Keep silence in room.
Gather at 3.30
Pass round bookmark and talk about the window Praise , Hands that flung stars into space, the day thou gavest. Play end of Dream of Gerontius and mention Dom Alan Rees.
Sharing time
End with the pilgrim’s prayer and the psalms
Friday, 7 August 2009
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Article 1 has appeared in Society of St Gregory magazine "Music and liturgy". On August 5th I am leading a day on "To be a pilgrim" - suggestions welcomed!
Saturday, 11 April 2009
Easter Day
Early on Easter Day I think about the early morning Mass in the Calvary chapel on Sunday morning and the final Mass beside the Sea of Galilee. "Go out in to the whole world and preach the gospel". The Stations yesterday brought back the Via Dolorosa. Over and over again as we hear of places one can see it in the mind's eye and remember. How blessed and fortunate we have been! Let us continue to share that Easter joy! Happy Easter!
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Soli Deo Gloria

El Al air hostess landing
This blog has now become the basis of four articles offered to the editors of St Andrew's Coulsdon magazine, Oremus the Westminster Cathedral magazine and Music and Liturgy, the Society of St Gregory magazine.
When we reached Tel Aviv airport having risen very early, we found that Liz's name was not on the flight list because the group had been changed from the previous day. However she did fly and we were able to sit together whereas other couples got split up!
Thanks be to God - achieved is the glorious work!

Druse breadmaking, pomegranates, Kursi, weapons made into sculpture, signs on the mountain top, St Peter's fish, Mass at Caesarea Philippi, Mass at Sea of Galilee, closed swimming pool, Macdonalds!, Caesarea Maritima, Jaffa, bride
Wednesday November 19th. At Kursi we saw the 5th century monastic church and an oil press. There is a fine mosaic of birds and baskets of fruit. It is from the carob seed that we get the weight of a carob. Sister Monica was invited to turn a large metal object which left a message in the sand! This site is near where the Gadarene swine ran into the lake. On this day Shimon Perez was knighted and we passed the Perez centre for peace on the way to the Golan heights on the Syrian border. From Mount Herizim we were able to explore the old fortifications and look out over Syria and Lebanon. Parties of school children are accompanied by armed guards. The Druse are famously courageous with no fear of death and they trace their faith back to Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses. They have great respect for women and believe in one God and immediate reincarnation. At a Druse village we bought pomegranate jam and syrup and bread to be used later at Mass at Caesarea Philippi below Mount Hermon.
We enjoyed a lunch of St Peter's fish. We passed the spring of the Jordan river at Dan kibbutz and visited Domus Galilae where 25 students of the Neo-Catechumenate Way study. We were intrigued to see the Word kept with the Blessed Sacrament and in the library the Torah and Bible displayed together.
On Thursday November 20th our pilgrimage ended with a final Mass overlooking the Sea of Galilee. I sang the psalm "Go out to the whole world".We then had a long drive to Caesarea Maritima which has a fine hippodrome and reconstructed theatre overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. We visited St Peter's church, Jaffa and saw lots of brides being photographed! And so we flew home from Tel Aviv on the Friday after a wonderful experience!
The liturgies throughout the journey were enhanced by a booklet containing great hymns and the use of psalm and Mass settings by the late Dom Alan Rees and a Gregorian chant setting. These were familiar to those who attend Belmont Abbey liturgies and easy to learn. We were blessed by wonderful homilies from Dom Brendan Thomas. Deacon Andrew Morton served at all the Masses. Mary Carroll played the keyboard and various organs and all were encouraged to act as readers, intercessors and cantors.
Caesarea Maritima,
Caesarea Phillipi,
Domus Galilae,
Golan heights,
Tel Aviv
Friday, 16 January 2009
Dom Brendan Thomas
Dom Brendan likes this blog and is looking into a link to the Belmont Abbey website!
Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Tuesday November 18th to Nazareth. 30% Christian whereas Cana is 97% Muslim. Nazareth is the largest Arab city in Israel and now controlled by communists. There are 300,000 Catholics in Israel, Jordan and Cyprus diocese. The Orthodox decided angels are male so they say Gabriel did not enter the house. Mass in St Joseph's church and Liz sang the psalm very well accompanied by harmonium. This church has the most sentimental 19th century picture of the young Jesus in the carpenter's shop I have ever seen. He does not look capable of lifting a nail let alone a hammer! The priest chased us to finish within the half hour so we lost the last hymn "Tell out my soul"! The Church of the Annunciation is enormous and OTT. It would overwhelm Mary. Some of it is kitsch, but the main doors are interesting with biblical scenes. We walked through the market and saw a carpenter's shop, bakery and kitchen utensils in bazaar. The synagogue church is Greek Catholic and we heard my favourite reading from Luke "The spirit of the Lord is upon me". To Arab Orthodox church at Mary's well. We lit candles and there was chanting. To Cana with a lovely courtyard of the Greek Orthodox church with a beautiful fountain and frescoes. Renewed marriage vows in the Catholic church. Saw the closed church of St Nathaniel/Bartholomew. Had lunch in cafe at Cana. To Zippori Sepphoris. Ancient 5th century synagogue with mosaic floor showing zodiac and months. The Sun Helios and the 4 seasons in the mosaic. At the Nile house there are fine mosaics showing centaur and hunters and Amazons. Saw the lovely Mona Lisa of Israel mosaic. Crazy that the swimming pool at the kibbutz is closed and the sea shore is muddy and rocky so swimming impossible. Had a nice dinner and sat on our balcony reading.
Saturday, 3 January 2009
On the left of this page you will find a link to the 2001 Belmont Abbey pilgrimage news. How little things have changed! Dom Brendan gives a wonderful sermon there about Zaccheas and how all Jews, Muslims and Christians ought to greet each other as a son or daughter of Abraham. What a difference that would make! The situation in Gaza is now very serious. At least we were able to visit Jericho and Palestinian areas. This is after all why we went on the pilgrimage. Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor had urged us to visit Bethlehem. We were so fortunate that Dom Brendan had arranged such a comprehensive journey so we followed Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Elijah, John the Baptist, Jesus, Peter, Paul - so many different strands interwoven so well. The book he gave us "The Holy Land a pilgrim's companion" by David Baldwin proved invaluable and so did the booklet covering all the liturgies packed full of great hymns not least the Welsh ones! The Cardinal has since signed our copies of the book.
Watching Howard Jacobson on Christianity on channel 4 when he comments that Christians deny their Jewish heritage one certainly could not say that about this journey!In fact the encounters with Jews, Druze and Muslims were fascinating and enlightening!
Watching Howard Jacobson on Christianity on channel 4 when he comments that Christians deny their Jewish heritage one certainly could not say that about this journey!In fact the encounters with Jews, Druze and Muslims were fascinating and enlightening!
Tiberias, Jesusboat, Tabgha, Bethsaida, Capernaum
Monday 17th November. A glorious day on the Sea of Galilee! From Tiberias we took the "Jesusboat" across the lake with lots of singing and dancing. "Dear Lord and Father of mankind" was our theme and we enjoyed some Israeli folk tunes as well. The Union Jack had to be hoisted again as it was upside down and Miriam remarked on how different nationalities treat the playing of the National anthem. The British either sing or laugh, the Italians don't know theirs! Had a break at the coffee shop attached to the ancient boat museum. To Tabgha where there are 7 springs and the lovely ancient mosaic of the loaves and fishes. We had a wonderful Mass in the garden of the Church of the Beatitudes with an excellent homily. Interesting point about the number of baskets left after the feeding of thousands - 12 is Israel, 7 is Gentiles i.e. the Decapolis on which side of the lake (Northern) we are staying. We had a picnic at Bethsaida next to the river Jordan and visited the ruins of the town where Peter, Andrew and Philip were born. There are a winegrower's house, 1st century AD street and a fisherman's house. We visited the church of St Peter's Primacy where I met Fr Francis Moran, the parish priest of Thornton Heath, Croydon! Next door we had silent meditation at Mensa Christi, Dolgatha next to the lake - a hyrax (coney) was sunning itself as we arrived! At Capernaum we saw the ruined synagogue and a modern church over Peter's house. Lovely sunset.
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