Wednesday, 14 January 2009


Tuesday November 18th to Nazareth. 30% Christian whereas Cana is 97% Muslim. Nazareth is the largest Arab city in Israel and now controlled by communists. There are 300,000 Catholics in Israel, Jordan and Cyprus diocese. The Orthodox decided angels are male so they say Gabriel did not enter the house. Mass in St Joseph's church and Liz sang the psalm very well accompanied by harmonium. This church has the most sentimental 19th century picture of the young Jesus in the carpenter's shop I have ever seen. He does not look capable of lifting a nail let alone a hammer! The priest chased us to finish within the half hour so we lost the last hymn "Tell out my soul"! The Church of the Annunciation is enormous and OTT. It would overwhelm Mary. Some of it is kitsch, but the main doors are interesting with biblical scenes. We walked through the market and saw a carpenter's shop, bakery and kitchen utensils in bazaar. The synagogue church is Greek Catholic and we heard my favourite reading from Luke "The spirit of the Lord is upon me". To Arab Orthodox church at Mary's well. We lit candles and there was chanting. To Cana with a lovely courtyard of the Greek Orthodox church with a beautiful fountain and frescoes. Renewed marriage vows in the Catholic church. Saw the closed church of St Nathaniel/Bartholomew. Had lunch in cafe at Cana. To Zippori Sepphoris. Ancient 5th century synagogue with mosaic floor showing zodiac and months. The Sun Helios and the 4 seasons in the mosaic. At the Nile house there are fine mosaics showing centaur and hunters and Amazons. Saw the lovely Mona Lisa of Israel mosaic. Crazy that the swimming pool at the kibbutz is closed and the sea shore is muddy and rocky so swimming impossible. Had a nice dinner and sat on our balcony reading.

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