Friday, 26 December 2008

Dead Sea swim, Bethany beyond Jordan, Anjara, Jerash - a day about water!

Dead Sea swim, Bethany beyond Jordan Greek Orthodox church and Jordan water, Elijah, Baptist, camels on the road, Our Lady of Anjara, Jerash hippodrome, roundabout and theatre
Tuesday 11/11 Up early to float in the Dead Sea and swim in the 25 metre pool which was cold at first. We passed the arch marking where the Pope celebrated Mass in 2000 near the hill where ELijah ascended to heaven. We were entering a sensitive area with added security. Here Joshua crossed the Jordan and John the Baptist is thought to have baptised Jesus. The archaeologist in charge gave us an animated explanation of the steps down to a 7th century cruciform baptistery next to a stream running into the Jordan. Fine icons of Elijah, the Baptist and Jerome in the Greek Orthodox church which has a distinctive golden dome. The book of Numbers is important and has been linked to the 42 tels or stations of Moses (see Origen) and the 7 songs of songs which are linked to Lydias. To Mass at the shrine of Our Lady of Anjara (Gilead birthplace of Elijah). I sang the psalm at Mass. The church has a unique apse featuring the Last Supper and Pentecost. The paintings show Joseph's dream and the finding of the boy Jesus in the temple.
To Jerash rebuilt in the 2nd century A.D. by Hadrian. The smallest Roman race track in the Middle East - the hippodrome seated 15000. From the roundabout the cardo maximus (main street) has sidewalks behind columns. Altar of Jupiter near to the theatre where we enjoyed pipes and drums.The actors in the theatre did not speak and women were not allowed. An interpreter explained the action from the floor hence the perfect acoustic. We drove through Amman at night and Naj talked about the Royal Jordanian institute for interfaith. We returned to our spa hotel where the food was excellent.

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